On May 9th, MAV presents the proposed offshore wind project to the Department of Energy (DOE) for review.
The original three projects hope to have a decision from the DOE by May 31st about whether or not they will move forward. Any decisions on the advancement of the two alternates (including MAV) is not expected until after decisions are made on the original three projects. MAV hopes that decisions on the alternates will be made soon after decisions on the original three are finalized, but realizes that it could take several more months.
Part of METF’s mission is to find out the process for public comment and communicate that process to the community. The DOE does not have a formal public comment period, but you can reach out to state and federal elected officials as well as the head of the DOE review board.
METF is neither for nor against this project. METF works to help the community get the information they need to have an educated opinion and then express that opinion to decision makers. METF encourages you to reach out to these decision makers and express your thoughts on the proposed MAV offshore wind project.
DOE Contact:
Jose Zayas, Office Director Wind and Water Power Technologies Office
Elected Officials contact information: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
Maine Senators:
Susan Collins: 202-224-2523 www.collins.senate.gov/contact
Angus King: 202-224-5344 www.king.senate.gov/contact
Maine Representatives:
Chellie Pingree: 202-225-6116 https://pingree.house.gov/contact-chellie
Bruce Poliquin: 202-225-6306 https://poliquin.house.gov/contact
Maine State Senator:
Chris Johnson 207-549-3358 http://legisweb1.mainelegislature.org/…/s…/senators/johnson/
Maine State House Rep:
Mick Devin 207-563-8350