The Monhegan Energy Task Force (METF) convened its first meeting in late October 2013 and was made an official task force of the Plantation at the January 2014 assessors meeting. METF was charged with creating a line of communication and sharing information between Monhegan Plantation and Maine Aqua Ventus (MAV), the company proposing the wind power project off Monhegan. Since its inception, METF has created several opportunities for people on-island and off-island to voice their concerns and have questions answered. In addition to co-hosting a number of community meetings, METF has also maintained a Facebook page, snail mail and electronic mailing lists, and, with the assistance of the Island Institute, a website (
As part of METF’s mission, METF has been engaging the community in a conversation about a potential Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) between Monhegan and MAV. A CBA will require a special town meeting and vote among residents on town articles. METF will make recommendations on the wording of those articles based on the outcome of their community outreach efforts. Their recommendations will be given to the Assessors who will decide the final article wording, sign the warrant and post the date of a special town meeting. The registered voters of Monhegan will make the final decision about what if any CBA should be pursued. The final CBA will need to be voted on at a special town meeting before it is accepted.
Community Outreach Process for 2016 (* This scenario may be subject to unforeseen changes.)
March 4 Community Survey #2 – METF conducted an on-line and written survey of Monhegan year-round and summer residents in order to determine the community’s opinion regarding the two community benefit options being discussed with MAV (cable with fiber optics or payment in lieu of cable). Survey results and the notes from the community meeting (below) can be found here: METF Community Views Report and Appendix.
April 5 Community Meeting – METF hosted a facilitated community meeting to discuss potential Community Benefits for Monhegan and provide METF with a sense of what to put in the DRAFT CBA. A list of questions was generated for follow-up by MAV and METF. Click here to view the list of questions.
April 18 METF Meeting – METF reviewed the survey results and lists of questions generated by the survey and community meeting.
May 4 METF Meeting – METF reviewed Q&A to date from MAV and METF’s lawyer. Notes from the meeting can be found here.
May 24 METF Meeting – METF hosted a visit with Jake Ward (UMaine/MAV) and Nate Johnson (Ocean Renewable Power Company) to update METF and address Q&A. Notes from the meeting can be found here.
June 15 METF Meeting – METF to review Q&A to date from MAV and METF lawyer
June 23 & 24 Community Meeting – METF to host a facilitated meeting with MAV Technical Experts
June 27 Community Survey #3 – Survey available on-line and mailed to Monhegan year-round and summer residents to determine the sense of the community regarding the preferred option for a community benefit agreement or, alternatively, no agreement with MAV and/or desire to work toward moving the MAV test site.
July 11 METF Meeting – METF to review survey results and decide wording to recommend to Monhegan Assessors
July 12 Monhegan Assessors Meeting – Assessors determine final article wording and sign the warrant to put to a vote of the town residents during a special meeting.
July 26 Special Town Meeting – Monhegan residents vote on article. If necessary, Assessors assign METF or other “Negotiation Team” to move forward with Specific Terms of Community Benefits Agreement based on results of town vote.
August/Sept. Tentative — “Negotiation Team” meets with MAV to finalize details of Community Benefits Agreement (TBD if needed)
Late Sept./Oct. Final Community Benefits Agreement with Specific Terms of contract voted on at Special Town Meeting of Monhegan Residents (TBD if needed)