Update from Monhegan Energy Info – April 9, 2017

Update written by Nate Johnson, MAV community outreach coordinator (04/09/17):

MAV recently participated in a trip to Block Island attended by several Monhegan residents. It was a terrific opportunity to learn more about the offshore wind project developed there by DeepWater Wind. Our hosts on Block Island were very accommodating and provided insightful feedback on their experiences.

MAV is in the process of preparing for a survey of the proposed cable route to Port Clyde. The survey is planned for later this spring and as we gain more information about logistics and schedule we will be conducting outreach to update stakeholders. We also have continued meeting with stakeholders to provide general Project updates.

The Department of Energy continues their NEPA process for the Project. Additional information is available at DOE’s website for the Project: https://energy.gov/nepa/ea-2049-university-maine-s-new-england-aqua-ventus-i-offshore-wind-advanced-technology


METF Meeting Monday, April 24 at 5:30 PM:

Please join us for a METF meeting at the Library at 5:30 PM on Monday, April 24th.

We will discuss the recent trip to Block Island and Next Steps, along with other items.