Update from Monhegan Energy Info – March 15, 2017

Update written by Nate Johnson, MAV community outreach coordinator (03/17/17):

DOE has posted the March1 Monhegan scoping session presentation materials to their Project website as well as a video and audio link. The website also includes additional information on public comment opportunities. The Project website is: https://www.energy.gov/nepa/ea-2049-university-maine-s-new-england-aqua-ventus-1-offshore-wind-advanced-technology)

DOE welcomes your input on DOE’s Proposed Action, alternatives, and environmental issues to be reviewed in the Project Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Project.  To ensure DOE receives your written comments in time for consideration in preparation of the draft EA, please provide them on or before March 22, 2017.

MAV is continuing outreach with stakeholders and has recently developed a document that summarizes our commitment to island and coastal communities. The document, as well as additional project information is available in the latest update to the Project Newsletter found here: http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2338c4144e0674e4a1849d779&id=7b3acd1ca6&e=55ef3f6caa


Public Comments for DOE Due March 22:

Public comments are a key component of the Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process. This is your opportunity to help define the scope of environmental impacts and issues to be addressed in depth in the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the MAV project.

Please provide written comments to DOE on or before March 22, 2017.  Written comments can be submitted via email at AquaVentus1EA@ee.doe.gov or via mail to:

Ms. Diana Heyder, NEPA Division
U.S. Department of Energy
Golden Field Office
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401

The complete public scoping notice and project description are available at
EA-2049: Public Scoping Documents.