NEAV 2/3/21 Meeting Recording

A recording of the meeting can be found here:

During the February 3rd call organized by the Monhegan Energy Task Force, a question was posed about the upcoming National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process that is run by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  The question focused on why information on the DOE website about the NEPA process was not consistent with what was provided during the call, and whether the process would include a new public scoping period.

Since the call, DOE representatives have provided clarification, including that they are in the process of revising the project description and will update their webpage soon.  DOE further clarified the steps in the process going forward, as follows:

  • DOE will be hosting public information meetings rather than public scoping meetings
  • While still in development, DOE anticipates the public information meetings will be similar to the previously held scoping meetings in presenting information about the project
  • DOE will reach out to communities in the area of the project so they may participate in the meetings
  • The public will have an opportunity to provide comments on the draft environmental assessment (EA)